Speaking Digital: On Digital Culture and Methodologies
28-29 June 2021
Are we still spoken by language, or are we spoken by digital (programming language code)? In 1986 Friedrich Kittler argued that the code of programming languages is programming us as the main significant of presence. Is it possible to agree with this statement in 2021, or on the contrary - are people the ones who confidently take on the right to signify?
The possibilities of existence and importance of contemporary digital culture in different contexts of human and non-human agencies will be addressed in the historically first conference organized by the newly established study programme Digital Culture and Creative Industries at MUNI ARTS.
On the first day, keynote speakers outlined the current and future possibilities of discussion in the field of interdisciplinary reflection in the current post-digital paradigm. Their talks focused on various areas of digital culture and its methodologies. The second was dedicated to the first year doctoral students in Digital Culture and Creative Industries programme.
09.45 Introduction by Jana Horáková
10.00 Michal Kindernay - Trajectories
10.40 Ingeborg Reichle - Speculative Futures in Current New Media Art Practices
11.20 Elisa Giaccardi - Autonomous Technologies and the Challenges of Probabilistic Design
12.00 Erkki Huhtamo - Media Archaeology as Topos Study
09.40 Júlia Chodúrová Botúrová - New Media Art in Mainland China - Specific Features and Perspectives
10.20 Filip Johánek - Soundscape of the City of Brno
11.00 Ivan Koutný - Changes and Transformation of Archaeological Museums in the Historical Context and the Digital World
11.40 Roman Novotný - Design in the Post-Anthropocene Era
13.40 Veronika Sellner - Artistic Interventions in the Field of Synthetic Biology as a Space for the Redefinition of Technology and Nature
14.20 Duňa Slavik - Intermedia of the Crusaders School in the Context of Digital Culture

Organization team: Veronika Sellner, Filip Johánek, Roman Novotný
Graphic design: Alina Matějová
The conference was supported by Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University - project Digitální kultura a kreativní průmysly: úvodní workshop studentů a pedagogů nad výzkumnými projekty, code MUNI/A/1279/2020.