Speaking Digital 02
March 30 and April 13 2022
"The boundary between science fiction and social reality is an optical illusion."
- Donna Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto (1985)
In this quote, Haraway is describing the long non-existent boundary between the physical and virtual, organic and synthetic. It is just one of the disruptive positions and calls for "the construction of the consciousness and the imaginative apprehension", as she puts it. Another perspective can be taken from William Gibson's sci-fi novel Pattern Recognition (2003). It tells the story of a marketing consultant who can detect patterns or context in seemingly meaningless data. Twenty years later, interpreting clusters of data features is an everyday reality of our lives.
Cyberspace has often been seen as a concept to not only connect people around the world but also to allow anyone with an internet connection to find out what is happening in even the most remote places. Information is only a click away; collective intelligence, Pierre Lévy's dream ideal, became ubiquitous.
This year's SPEAKING DIGITAL conference will introduce doctoral research of PhD candidates in the Digital Culture and Creative Industries at MUNI ARTS. Its aim is to showcase the progression of interdisciplinary reflection in this field under the post-digital condition in the broader context of its societal impacts. You can look forward to lectures in Daňkovice (March 30, only on-site) and Brno (April 13, hybrid - link here).
The 1st day of the conference takes place only in person in Daňkovice. Each talk lasts 15 minutes and is followed by 15 minutes discussion.
09.00 LAURENČÍKOVÁ, Wlasta Laura - Changes of Originality in Photography
09.30 PAVLÍKOVÁ, Luisa - Authorship as a Signum in the Context of Critical Discursive Analysis. Issues of Methodological Procedures and Techniques of Mapping Social and Cultural Practise
10.00 HABARTOVÁ, Tereza - Possibilities of Digital and Network Technologies as Tools for Preservations and Mediation of Intangible Regional Cultural Heritage: The Concept of Multimedia Exposition
10.30 KOUŘILOVÁ, Karolína - Research, Processing and Digitization of Materials Related to the History of the Institute for Development in the Furniture Industry ("Vývoj nábytkářského průmyslu") in Brno with the Intention to Create a Digital Database
11.00 KOUTNÝ, Ivan - Changes and Transformation of Archaeological Museums in the Historical Context and the Digital World
11.30 CHODÚROVÁ BÚTOROVÁ, Júlia - New media art in the People's Republic of China: Contexts of Interpretation
12.00 SLAVIK, Duňa - Exploration of the Subculture of the Crusaders School in the Context of the time period
12.20 VRBA, Petr - Graphic Scores as Intermedia with Ambiguous Code
The 2nd day of the conference takes place at Phil MUNI - conference room at Dean's Office (building C, 2nd floor) and online (Zoom, link here). Each talk lasts 10 minutes and is followed by 10 minutes discussion.
09.00 DOUBKOVÁ, Svatava - Video Art Archives - New Incarnations, Their Presentation and the Video Art Market in the Light of the Present and the Near Future
09.20 KVAK, Daniel - Music as a Formal Language. The Use of Machine Learning in Music Analysis and Composition
09.40 MINJARÍKOVÁ, Anna - People, Technology and Music: Research on Changes in the Perception of Popular Music in a Digitalized World
10.00 JOHÁNEK, Filip - Sound-Mediated Ecological Interactions and Processes: Materialization of Aural History Through Sound Time Collection
10.20 TIN, Lai Man - Towards a Machine-Oriented Phenomenology of Perception
10.40 SELLNER, Veronika - Posthumanism, Flat Ontology and Synthetic Biology: Researching Approches to Non-human Actors in Artistic Interventions
11.00 NOVOTNÝ, Roman - City, Interface and Design: Reflection of Non-human Action for Design Thinking and Urbanism
11.20 BREITLING, Dustin - Gaming the Aftermath
11.40 ZÁHORA, Zdeněk - Life Cycles of Digital Games in Contemporary Internet Culture and the Influence of Game Design on Their Structure and Length
13.00 KAŠČÁK, Martin - Cultural and Creative Centres of the 21st Century: Post-pandemic Situation and the Development of Cultural and Creative Centers in Europe
13.20 POLÁŠKOVÁ, Markéta - Research Methodology on the Impact and Benefits of Activities to Support the Conceptual Development of Cultural and Creative Industries in the Czech Republic
13.40 ŠTIČKOVÁ, Anna - Independent Literature, Book Professionals and Small Publishers

Organization team: Markéta Polášková, Matwe Kaščák, Tereza Habartová, Daniel Kvak
Graphic design: Alina Matějová